Thursday, March 29, 2012

UK Finance for Business

Running a business and becoming successful in that venture requires a lot finance and financial assistance. In UK finance for business can be got from different sources. Business related financial services are provided by many organizations in that field. UK finance for leasing a company or organization, UK finance for debt collection, UK finance for Venture Capital can also be arranged.

There are companies that help a business in hire purchasing and arranging for leasing. You can approach such dedicated companies for such services. UK Finance for hardware funding for the information technology business is also available in companies. Leasing services for small businesses, agricultural and industrial funding operations are available in companies dedicated to that service. A company called Richard Mares Asset Finance in UK finances for agricultural and industrial setups. If you need information on UK finance for equipment leasing, mortgages and commercial finance then you can approach companies like 1st Leasing Company and Many options for UK finance are available with them. Just check out their website for more details on the different types of finance available with them. For UK finance from £5,000 upwards you can approach companies like 1pm. They work closely with their clients to provide what they need.

UK Finance for companies in the information technology sector can get their financing options from companies like Corporate Computer Lease Plc in UK. Such companies make IT more affordable and you get the UK finance for almost any technology spends. They have successful records of financing in UK for even Fortune 500 companies. This is one of the fastest growing UK finance companies.

Companies like Corporate Business Finance fund you for Plant, Machinery and for other corporate financial services. They provide finance in UK for many services like hire purchase, leasing, operating leases, factoring, release of capital, and commercial mortgages. Each and every business may need a unique funding requirement and it is a tedious task to arrange for funding when you need to run your business. A lot of time is wasted in searching for proper funding. Under such circumstances you can approach companies like these for UK finance for your funding requirements.

For new start ups it is difficult to get finance in UK or elsewhere. Most of the finance companies will fund only the established businesses. But companies like Oak Leasing help even the start ups since they understand the difficulties that the startups face. The problems that the start ups face are only initially. If they have a proper business plan they could come up. The team at Oak leasing would finance your startups and for any new equipments that you need. More details are available in their website.

There are companies that fund only the big companies. Finance for big companies is given by UK finance companies like the Benington Securities. It is a private enterprise brokerage. They cover only the corporate investments. There are many companies that provide UK finance for even individuals. Companies like Troman finance provide funds for the individuals and small business firms.

Jeff Lakie is the owner of [] providing Uk homeowners with great rates on secured loans. Visit our site for a free quote today.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who is financing inventory and use purchase order finance (P O finance)? Their competitors!

It is time. We are talking about purchase order financing in Canada, P O finance how does and how financing inventory and contracts under which orders really works in Canada. And Yes, as said his time with your financing, creative... Challenges, and we'll show how.

And never really counts as a starter, second, so financial news must be aware that your creative financing and inventory options using for growth and turnover and profit, so why shouldn't your company?

Canadian businessman and financial managers know that can all new orders and contracts in the world, but if you can finance it properly not then you generally a hopeless battle to your competitors fight.

The reason purchase order financing is increasing popularity generally is based on the fact that traditional funding through Canadian banks for the inventory and orders is extraordinary in our view for hard to finance. Where the banks say no is where purchase order financing begins!

It is important for us to make it clear that P O is finance a generic term that could indeed include the financing of the purchase order or contract, the inventory that could be necessary in order to the Treaty comply with, and the call that is generated by this sale customers. It is clearly a comprehensive strategy.

The additional beauty of P O finance is easy, that it is creative, in contrast to many traditional types of financing, the routine and are formulaic.

It's all with your financing partner P O sit and discuss how uniquely are tailored to your needs. Usually when the we sit with clients this kind of funding turns the requirements of suppliers, as well as for all participants useful can be the company customers and how both meets these requirements with schedules and financial guidelines,.

The main elements of a successful P O financial transaction are a solid non cancelable: to order, a qualified customer for a credit in the amount of perspective and specific identification, who pays and when. It's so easy.

Asks so all that work, how our customers. it can easy to keep, so we the power for this kind of financing clearly can prove. Your company receives the order. The P O finance company pay your suppliers on a bar or letter of credit - with your company then receiving of merchandise and fulfillment of the order and contract. The P O finance company takes the rights in the order, the inventory, the that you have purchased on your behalf, and the demand generated by the sale. It's so easy. If customer per the terms of your agreement with them pays you the transaction is completed and the purchasing order finance company full, less their funding charge in 2, 5-3% per month are located in Canada.

Can in some cases financing was organised on a separate basis are, but how we have found, often cycle the entire sale is based on the order, the inventory and the claim is secured this financing.

Talk finance consultant with a credible, trusted and experienced financial news as this kind of funding your company can benefit.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue - Origin of corporate financing for Canadian companies, specialized in working capital, cash flow based financing asset. In the business has 6 years - over 50 million $$ completed financing for Canadian companies.Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details:

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Positioning your company for debt financing

Positioning your company for debt financing:

There what a time in the old days when going to the bank was the only way to get outside capital for your business. These days with the explosion of raising equity investment, many of the guidelines for running a company have been revolutionized. Unfortunately this new phenomenon is only true for companies with super "star power", because these companies have potential to create sky - rocket return earnings.

For everyone else, sticking to fundamentals is where it's at. Building your company incrementally, following a pre-prepared business plan, watching expenses, and increasing sales. When your company moves beyond its launch, it begins to operate much like a bank. Will be making credit decisions on the finance side you
involving your customers. Some will have to pay c.o.d.., some you will extend net 30 day terms. In this, you sense banker for your customers are now becoming a.

Without getting into how inexpensive debt financing ultimately is compared to equity (try 20% annualized interest versus 20% ownership lock stock and barrel), in certain situations the time of time-honored tradition of borrowing money can be the best solution for increasing growth or starting a company.

By knowing what commercial finance companies look for, you will become a much more attractive prospect.

1. Concentration - this means putting all your eggs in one basket. Avoid going out and making a large sale to a customer and then not continuing your sales effort to find more customers. The risk of a problem developing with your main customer, or for whatever reason they are no longer buying from you can obviously be detrimental to your success. Finance companies look for incoming revenue to be spread evenly over a number of customers.

2. Creditworthiness - who are you lending your hard earned assets to? What kind of due diligence do you perform on new customers? The challenge here is whether to accept a lucrative sale with a company that could never get credit from any type of finance company. You are essentially telling yourself that you know better than the banker about loaning money. Finance companies will respect a business owner that has a thorough credit checking process and a number of stable credit worthy customers.

3. Book keeping - while some businesses send out all their accounting to outside agencies, it is helpful to have a qualified book keeper on staff. When it comes time to seek financing, being able to produce an instant fiscal snapshot of your company wants to show the sophistication of your operation. Finance companies appreciate businesses that keep a close eye on their books.

4. Taxes - pay them. Using the internal revenue service as your funder becomes expensive. Whenever you work with a finance company, you will be pledging assets as collateral, thus the nature of debt financing. When you fail to make tax payments, the government steps in and places a lien against those same assets essentially stepping into first position. This leaves the finance company with money outstanding to your business and no collateral to back it up. This places your entire relationship in default. When going to closing on financing expect to sign a form that allows the finance company to receive duplicate correspondence from the IRS. This is standard procedure to track tax problems. Owing taxes does not mean you cannot get financing. It is entirely possible to receive a subordinated debt agreement from the IRS which allows the finance company to work with you unencumbered.

5. Bankruptcy - if you have ever entered into a bankruptcy proceeding whether personal or business, own up to it right away. It will come out, and being up front about the circumstances will enhance the necessity to overlook the past difficulties.

6. Applications - finance companies ask for a variety of information when performing their due diligence. Do not be alarmed, they are not trying to steal your secrets. They need to feel comfortable with you and your company. Each company has its own threshold for fact checking. Invariably the finance companies that do the most thorough job are the most reliable and safest to do business with. Finance companies like working with a business that takes the time to put a loan package together in advance of asking for financing. Typically you can start with; Interim balance & income statement, interim profit & loss statement, last year end statements, Accounts Payables aging report, Accounts Receivables Aging report, and of course tax returns.

7. Contracts - be prepared for onerous language. Finance companies cannot sugar coat the reality that if something goes wrong they need to exercise their rights. They have to go into the relationship, always thinking that the absolute worst case scenario will unfold. Once a finance company finds itself being defrauded, stolen from or payments not made without explanation, it's too late to insert stronger language for protection. By and large the language is standardized and walking from a deal to start shopping for less demanding legalisms won't produce much. Remember this, a contract is just paper in a file cabinet until you default on your agreement. Stay within what you agreed upon and all the tough language won't matter. Even if you start having financial difficulties, get in touch with your finance company immediately. You can greatly reduce the chance of default by showing that you are pro active with your situation.

8. Using the money for the right reasons - this sounds obvious but in certain cases it can be highly relevant. You hear a lot about going to the right venture capital firm that would handle your type of investment. In some ways that holds true for debt finance companies. They tend to work within industries that they feel comfortable. Additionally the type of financing company will depend on your plans for the money. If you are trying to set up a new business infrastructure, then a working capital line of credit is not your best option. You will probably do better with a term loan style that will allow you to amortize the expense over a period of years.

9. Management integrity - so like equity investment, get a good team together and hold onto them. Finance companies raise red flags when a long time financial officer who has been the contact person at the company since the inception of the relationship and all of a sudden leaves without explanation. Again, always fearing the worst, the finance company could unjustly feel that what something untoward afoot and begin to scrutinize your account more closely. Even though finance companies are not part owners of your business, they are partners in your success just like your good customers. Keep them abreast of breaking news.

10. Be professional - answer calls and messages expeditiously, be prepared with information, show up on time. When its crunch time and you need an extra fifty thousand dollars for a week to get a better deal from a vendor, you would be surprised how much mileage you can get by being a courteous and thoughtful customer to your finance company.

Article by Gary W. honey, president of creative capital Associates, Inc. on invoice factoring company operating nationwide for more than a decade. See US at

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Best in Class Finance Functions For Police Forces


Police funding has risen by £4.8 billion and 77 per cent (39 per cent in real terms) since 1997. However the days where forces have enjoyed such levels of funding are over.

Chief Constables and senior management recognize that the annual cycle of looking for efficiencies year-on-year is not sustainable, and will not address the cash shortfall in years to come.

Facing slower funding growth and real cash deficits in their budgets, the Police Service must adopt innovative strategies which generate the productivity and efficiency gains needed to deliver high quality policing to the public.

The step-change in performance required to meet this challenge will only be achieved if the police service fully embraces effective resource management and makes efficient and productive use of its technology, partnerships and people.

The finance function has an essential role to play in addressing these challenges and supporting Forces' objectives economically and efficiently.


Police Forces tend to nurture a divisional and departmental culture rather than a corporate one, with individual procurement activities that do not exploit economies of scale. This is in part the result of over a decade of devolving functions from the center to the.divisions.

In order to reduce costs, improve efficiency and mitigate against the threat of "top down" mandatory, centrally-driven initiatives, Police Forces need to set up a corporate back office and induce behavioral change. This change must involve compliance with a corporate culture rather than a series of silos running through the organization.

Developing a Best in Class Finance Function

Traditionally finance functions within Police Forces have focused on transactional processing with only limited support for management information and business decision support. With a renewed focus on efficiencies, there is now a pressing need for finance departments to transform in order to add greater value to the force but with minimal costs.

1) Aligning to Force Strategy

As Police Forces need finance to function, it is imperative that finance and operations are closely aligned. This collaboration can be very powerful and help deliver significant improvements to a Force, but in order to achieve this model, there are many barriers to overcome. Finance Directors must look at whether their Force is ready for this collaboration, but more importantly, they must consider whether the Force itself can survive without it.

Finance requires a clear vision that centers around its role as a balanced business partner. However to achieve this vision a huge effort is required from the bottom up to understand the significant complexity in underlying systems and processes and to devise a way forward that can work for that particular organization.

The success of any change management program is dependent on its execution. Change is difficult and costly to execute correctly, and often, Police Forces lack the relevant experience to achieve such change. Although finance directors are required to hold appropriate professional qualifications (as opposed to being former police officers as was the case a few years ago) many have progressed within the Public Sector with limited opportunities for learning from and interaction with best in class methodologies. In addition cultural issues around self-preservation can present barriers to change.

Whilst it is relatively easy to get the message of finance transformation across, securing commitment to embark on bold change can be tough. Business cases often lack the quality required to drive through change and even where they are of exceptional quality senior police officers often lack the commercial awareness to trust them.

2) Supporting Force Decisions

Many Finance Directors are keen to develop their finance functions. The challenge they face is convincing the rest of the Force that the finance function can add value - by devoting more time and effort to financial analysis and providing senior management with the tools to understand the financial implications of major strategic decisions.

Maintaining Financial Controls and Managing Risk

Sarbanes Oxley, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Basel II and Individual Capital Assessments (ICA) have all put financial controls and reporting under the spotlight in the private sector. This in turn is increasing the spotlight on financial controls in the public sector.

A 'Best in Class' Police Force finance function will not just have the minimum controls to meet the regulatory requirements but will evaluate how the legislation and regulations that the finance function are required to comply with, can be leveraged to provide value to the organization. Providing strategic information that will enable the force to meet its objectives is a key task for a leading finance function.

3) Value to the Force

The drive for development over the last decade or so, has moved decision making to the Divisions and has led to an increase in costs in the finance function. Through utilizing a number of initiatives in a program of transformation, a Force can leverage up to 40% of savings on the cost of finance together with improving the responsiveness of finance teams and the quality of financial information. These initiatives include:


By centralizing the finance function, a Police Force can create centers of excellence where industry best practice can be developed and shared. This will not only re-empower the department, creating greater independence and objectivity in assessing projects and performance, but also lead to more consistent management information and a higher degree of control. A Police Force can also develop a business partner group to act as strategic liaisons to departments and divisions. The business partners would, for example, advise on how the departmental and divisional commanders can meet the budget in future months instead of merely advising that the budget has been missed for the previous month.

With the mundane number crunching being performed in a shared service center, finance professionals will find they now have time to act as business partners to divisions and departments and focus on the strategic issues.

The cultural impact on the departments and divisional commanders should not be underestimated. Commanders will be concerned that:

o Their budgets will be centralized

o Workloads would increase

o There will be limited access to finance individuals

o There will not be on site support

However, if the centralized shared service center is designed appropriately none of the above should apply. In fact from centralization under a best practice model, leaders should accrue the following benefits:

o Strategic advice provided by business partners

o Increased flexibility

o Improved management information

o Faster transactions

o Reduced number of unresolved queries

o Greater clarity on service and cost of provision

o Forum for finance to be strategically aligned to the needs of the Force

A Force that moves from a de-centralized to a centralized system should try and ensure that the finance function does not lose touch with the Chief Constable and Divisional Commanders. Forces need to have a robust business case for finance transformation combined with a governance structure that spans operational, tactical and strategic requirements. There is a risk that potential benefits of implementing such a change may not be realized if the program is not carefully managed. Investment is needed to create a successful centralized finance function. Typically the future potential benefits of greater visibility and control, consistent processes, standardized management information, economies of scale, long-term cost savings and an empowered group of proud finance professionals, should outweigh those initial costs.

To reduce the commercial, operational and capability risks, the finance functions can be completely outsourced or partially outsourced to third parties. This will provide guaranteed cost benefits and may provide the opportunity to leverage relationships with vendors that provide best practice processes.

Process Efficiencies

Typically for Police Forces the focus on development has developed a silo based culture with disparate processes. As a result significant opportunities exist for standardization and simplification of processes which provide scalability, reduce manual effort and deliver business benefit. From simply rationalizing processes, a force can typically accrue a 40% reduction in the number of processes. An example of this is the use of electronic bank statements instead of using the manual bank statement for bank reconciliation and accounts receivable processes. This would save considerable effort that is involved in analyzing the data, moving the data onto different spreadsheet and inputting the data into the financial systems.

Organizations that possess a silo operating model tend to have significant inefficiencies and duplication in their processes, for example in HR and Payroll. This is largely due to the teams involved meeting their own goals but not aligning to the corporate objectives of an organization. Police Forces have a number of independent teams that are reliant on one another for data with finance in departments, divisions and headquarters sending and receiving information from each other as well as from the rest of the Force. The silo model leads to ineffective data being received by the teams that then have to carry out additional work to obtain the information required.

Whilst the argument for development has been well made in the context of moving decision making closer to operational service delivery, the added cost in terms of resources, duplication and misaligned processes has rarely featured in the debate. In the current financial climate these costs need to be recognized.


Within transactional processes, a leading finance function will set up targets for staff members on a daily basis. This target setting is an element of the metric based culture that leading finance functions develop. If the appropriate metrics of productivity and quality are applied and when these targets are challenging but not impossible, this is proven to result in improvements to productivity and quality.

A 'Best in Class' finance function in Police Forces will have a service focused culture, with the primary objectives of providing a high level of satisfaction for its customers (departments, divisions, employees & suppliers). A 'Best in Class' finance function will measure customer satisfaction on a timely basis through a metric based approach. This will be combined with a team wide focus on process improvement, with process owners, that will not necessarily be the team leads, owning force-wide improvement to each of the finance processes.

Organizational Improvements

Organizational structures within Police Forces are typically made up of supervisors leading teams of one to four team members. Through centralizing and consolidating the finance function, an opportunity exists to increase the span of control to best practice levels of 6 to 8 team members to one team lead / supervisor. By adjusting the organizational structure and increasing the span of control, Police Forces can accrue significant cashable benefit from a reduction in the number of team leads and team leads can accrue better management experience from managing larger teams.

Technology Enabled Improvements

There are a significant number of technology improvements that a Police Force could implement to help develop a 'Best in Class' finance function.

These include:

A) Scanning and workflow

Through adopting a scanning and workflow solution to replace manual processes, improved visibility, transparency and efficiencies can be reaped.

B) Call logging, tracking and workflow tool

Police Forces generally have a number of individuals responding to internal and supplier queries. These queries are neither logged nor tracked. The consequence of this is dual:

o Queries consume considerable effort within a particular finance team. There is a high risk of duplicated effort from the lack of logging of queries. For example, a query could be responded to for 30 minutes by person A in the finance team. Due to this query not being logged, if the individual that raised the query called up again and spoke to a different person then just for one additional question, this could take up to 20 minutes to ensure that the background was appropriately explained.

o Queries can have numerous interfaces with the business. An unresolved query can be responded against by up to four separate teams with considerable delay in providing a clear answer for the supplier.

The implementation of a call logging, tracking and workflow tool to document, measure and close internal and supplier queries combined with the set up of a central queries team, would significantly reduce the effort involved in responding to queries within the finance departments and divisions, as well as within the actual divisions and departments, and procurement.

C) Database solution

Throughout finance departments there are a significant number of spreadsheets utilized prior to input into the financial system. There is a tendency to transfer information manually from one spreadsheet to another to meet the needs of different teams.

Replacing the spreadsheets with a database solution would rationalize the number of inputs and lead to effort savings for the front line Police Officers as well as Police Staff.

D) Customize reports

In obtaining management information from the financial systems, police staff run a series of reports, import these into excel, use lookups to match the data and implement pivots to illustrate the data as required. There is significant manual effort that is involved in carrying out this work. Through customizing reports the outputs from the financial system can be set up to provide the data in the formats required through the click of a button. This would have the benefit of reduced effort and improved motivation for team members that previously carried out these mundane tasks.

In designing, procuring and implementing new technology enabling tools, a Police Force will face a number of challenges including investment approval; IT capacity; capability; and procurement.

These challenges can be mitigated through partnering with a third party service company with whom the investment can be shared, the skills can be provided and the procurement cycle can be minimized.


It is clear that cultural, process and technology change is required if police forces are to deliver both sustainable efficiencies and high quality services. In an environment where for the first time forces face real cash deficits and face having to reduce police officer and support staff numbers whilst maintaining current performance levels the current finance delivery models requires new thinking.

While there a number of barriers to be overcome in achieving a best in class finance function, it won't be long before such a decision becomes mandatory. Those who are ahead of the curve will inevitably find themselves in a stronger position.

Rakesh Sangani is a Partner at Proservartner and focuses upon back office transformation within Police, Health, Local Government and Professional Services

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Car Finance

Owning a new car is almost everybody's dream. But only a few people can afford to buy a new car on a cash basis. Fortunately, car financing is readily available these days. As a result, more and more individuals have the privilege of owning a new car.

However, it is not easy to select a car, make a purchase, and then obtain car financing. Before you head to the local car dealer to buy the car of your dreams, you have to consider a lot of things with regards to car financing. You have to look into your credit score, compare car financing rates, and get pre-approval for your car financing application.

Your credit score has a lot to do with getting approved car financing because it reflects your credit worthiness. The lender will also look into this when determining your interest rates and down payment requirements. A credit score ranges from 300 to 600. If your credit score is above 600, you have a very good chance of getting car financing. However, if it is lower than 600, you need to spend several months paying your bills and increasing your credit score so you can qualify for financing.

After determining your credit score, you need to compare rates such as interest fees, fee structures, and down payment rates. Different lending institutions offer different rates. You should take your time evaluating each financing option so you can get the best deal.

After you have compared rates and picked your financing option, you can get a pre-approval for car financing. It is better that you have a pre-approved application before you go to the dealership so you can negotiate if you have cash in hand. This way, you may be qualified to receive rebates and discounts.

All these steps can help you to get the best car financing--and eventually, the best car--available.

Car Finance provides detailed information on Car Finance, Bad Credit Car Finance, Online Car Finance, Car Finance Rates and more. Car Finance is affiliated with Mobile Home Finances.

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The best offers for car - low finance rates vs discounts - which you should choose?

How To Get The Best Car Deals:

Quick tips that will help you at the car dealer:

How to understand Rebates and low financing offers:

Vehicle MSRP: Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price - This price is always negotiable - don't ever agree to pay MSRP

Exception: Some vehicles that might be "hard to find" or "limited in production" might be sold by the dealers at MSRP or, sometimes higher. This is usually called Market Adjustment.

Manufacturers Rebates: This is your money and has nothing to do with discounts given by the dealership. This money is given to you directly from the factory. Never let the rebate be used as a negotiation tool by the dealer. Any discount or negotiation from the dealer should be separate of any rebates offered.

Low finance rates: 0.00% 1.00% 1.9% etc... These are called Sub-vented rates, they too are offered by the factory and not the dealership. Do not allow a "low" finance rate to be used as part of a negotiation by the dealer. These rates are granted over and above any discounts, rebates, etc.

Exceptions: There are several exceptions to Sub-vented finance rates, but here are two that you really should be aware of:

1. Not all people qualify for these rates. So, if you suspect that you might have some issue that will cause you not to qualify, there is nothing wrong with expressing to the dealer that the low finance rate is something you are interested in, and you would like to apply first, before going through the long, timely steps of deal negotiation. Many dealerships will view this as unusual; however, any "good" dealer will be happy to let you submit an application first if you insist. Why is this important? As we always say, knowledge and preparation are the keys to not overpaying at a dealership. What happens if your entire deal is worked, negotiated and finalized with the dealer? Then you head over to the finance office to finalize the finance terms and payments... You expected to pay 0.00% interest, then at the last second you are told: "Sorry" because you don't qualify... NOT GOOD THE WHOLE DEAL CHANGES.

2. Rebates and "low" finance rates can not always be combined. Some factories allow it some times, however there is no rule; you must do your homework first. For instance, Chrysler offers manufacturers rebates on most their vehicles, plus they offer low finance rates on most vehicles as well. Though, you the customer must decide which offer you want, you can't have both. Although, sometimes Chrysler will run special offers that allow you to "combine" both the financing and rebate offers at once. But be careful, dealers won't always tell you that these offers are available, if you are unaware and you agree to pay higher finance rates, you are stuck.

Commonly Asked Question: Which is the right choice, Rebate or Low Financing?

This is an interesting question asked by many customers, the answer is simple yet many people have no idea.

Remember this rule: You should do what's best for you, do not ever inquire with a person, dealer, or anyone else that has any other motive than what's best for you.

What that means is this: When you ask a dealership which makes more sense, the dealer will likely tell you: "Take the rebate - not the low interest rate."

The reasoning behind this answer is, if you take the rebate you are actually paying "less" for the vehicle than if you elected the low interest rate. So, being that the vehicle price is the most important issue, you should always take the rebate. Is this correct or incorrect?

Rule: Don't be concerned what the dealer is making or losing, it's not relevant to what's best for you.

Does the dealership stand to gain more if you chose the rebate vs. the low finance rate? The answer to that question is yes, the dealership does stand to gain more. They receive a little more in "reserve money" from the lender if you chose conventional finance rates. The fact is however; that this point is completely irrelevant. Who cares what the dealership is making? Why is that important anyway? Is there some rule that says a dealership is not entitled to make profit? The only person who is doing something wrong in this scenario is you. You're asking the wrong party for information. If the complete and honest answer might cause the dealer to make less, chances are more than likely the answers will be carefully weighed to fall on their side.

Remember: Your concern is getting the best deal for you, don't waist time caring about what the dealership makes. Prepare yourself by considering all the facts. Do not make the common errors of all the people we constantly heart about who over pay all the time.

Fact: People who think that dealerships are losing money on them are usually the ones who pay the most!

Note: Please understand the purpose of this and every other post we write is NOT to condemn dealerships for making profit. Why should a dealer not be entitled to profit? What right do we have to ask them to lose money? Would you ever go to a restaurant and tell them that you insist they sell you dinner and lose money? It's a stretch, but equally as ridiculous.

The purpose of this post is to assist fair people in getting the best deal for themselves. Protecting people from being "ripped off" by a deceptive dealership is our motivation. We don't claim that all dealers are unfair or "rip off artists", in fact we are aware that most dealers are honest and forthcoming. Although, everyone is in business to make a profit and the topics written about within these posts are for the purpose of assisting "fair" consumers achieve "fair" and honest deals. Why do we keep mentioning "fair". Because equal to us having no concern about a cheating dealership, we also have no concern about the "unfair" consumers who want the good dealers to close down their business and lose money.


As we have mentioned so many times; price is not always the most important issue.

The following is the one and only correct answer to the Rebate vs. low rate debate:

With any issue that causes you to make a decision there are always certain facts in place, those facts make up the "pros and cons". With any decision we make, we weight the pros and cons and ultimately are lead to a decision. Then of course, we hope that decision was the right one.

Remember this rule: There is always a point where the two lines will cross, that point is where you will find the correct answer.

This means; there are variables that create change in every deal. For example: It may be a better deal for me to take the rebate, while it is a better deal for you to take the low financing rates. Let's explain:

You might be financing $30,000 and your finance term is 60 months. The Factory is offering a $3000 manufacturers rebate or 0.00% for the 60 month finance term. Which do you choose?

I might be financing $12,000 - The factory is offering a $3000 rebate or 0.00% for the finance term. Which one do I choose?

Obviously the answers vary; your lines of "break even" will obviously cross way sooner than my lines. The reason: different factors in the two deals will yield different answers.

Here's how you figure out the correct answer based on your factors:

For this example we'll assume that you are considering a $30,000 car with $3,000 rebate or a 0% interest rate, and for the sake of finding an answer, we'll assume that you're putting $3,000 a down payment and you qualify for all offers.

First: Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper; on one side write Rebate on the other side write 0%

Second: on the 0% side write in the sale price of $30,000 - and on the left side (rebate) write in the sale price of $30,000 as well.

Third: On both sides add in your local tax rate. For instance: if you live in Queens NY add 8.25% as sales tax.

Fourth: on both sides add $300 - this should cover DMV - Inspection and dealer Doc Fees.

Fifth: On both sides - subtract $3,000 for you down payment

Sixth: On the rebate side subtract $3,000 for the rebate

If you did this right, so far you should have the following results:

Both sides: should show Sale Price $30,000 Tax $2,475. DMV $300. Sub Total: $32,775

Rebate Side Should show $6,000.00 Total down payment and an "unpaid balance" of $26,775.00

The 0% side should show $3,000 Total Down Payment and an "unpaid balance of $29,775.00

Assumption: If you chose not to take the 0% - the dealer offered you a 5.5% interest rate.

Compare to see where the lines cross:

Next step - find an auto loan calculator - you can go on any search engine type in "free auto loan calculator"

I am not able to attach a link to this area of the post so I will simply suggest a very user friendly, free calculator (which we have no affiliation) is just search:

"Free chase auto loan calculator"



$26,775 Amount Financed

5.5% APR

60 Month Term

Answer: Payment $511.43

Total Interest: $3,910.80

Total of Payments $30,685.00


$29,775.00 Amount Financed

0% APR

Answer: Payment $496.25

Total of Payments $29,775.00

Summery: On your deal, 0% came out to be $910.80 less than the REBATE, so obviously the better deal for you is 0%.

On my worksheet, using the same method, it turned out that the rebate was quite a bit more of savings, (only because I was financing much less) if I chose to finance more money perhaps the lines would cross sooner.

Final notes to remember:

1) If you choose to lower or raise you down payment and lower and raise your amount financed, the out come of "which one" is a better deal will vary. So, keep testing the different scenarios using the method provided above and you will find the best deal for you. Every time!

2) Be careful - No rebate is final, while low financing isn't: Keep in mind this very important consideration: If you choose low financing over the rebate - essentially you just paid more for the vehicle and you can't get that money back. However, you chose to do so in return for free financing terms. (Very smart) You did your homework, you made your decision based on solid factors and you made the overall least expensive decision. EXCELLENT WORK! Though, you must remember you made this comparison based on a 5 year repayment term. If you keep the vehicle for 5 years, and pay as expected you win, your calculations were perfect and you achieved the best deal for you. On the other hand, if something changes and for any reason you decide that you are not going to keep this vehicle beyond the second or third year... Then, you just gave back the benefit of the low financing. The variables have changed once again and the better deal swings back to the rebate. So remember, in the privacy non pressured environment of your own home; carefully consider all your options and likelihoods. For instance, if you know you don't keep a vehicle beyond a couple of years, this must be included as a decision factors.

Long story short: Always compile all the facts first, limit the variables that can change the deal and negotiate with confidence.

The author of this article is an auto industry professional for the past 18 years. Robert has extensive knowledge in automotive finance and specialty automotive finance (bad credit). Having worked as a finance and special finance manger for dealerships in the New York metropolitan area since the early 90's Robert has assisted thousands of clients in achieving auto mobile loans with "less than perfect" credit.

Since 2009 Robert has been working a program which was developed to assist customers in the often confusing issues related to purchasing automobiles. A free service:, assists clients with good or bad credit alike. The BuyerCents program helps people understand the "pit falls" they should avoid, while additionally assisting with the general do's and don'ts that cause many people to over pay or simply get ripped off at the dealership.

While BuyerCents is not claiming that all dealerships try to rip people off, its intention is to see that customers are treated fairly and all parties are "happy" with the deal. BuyerCents motive is not for dealerships to lose money, but simply to exchange aggressive, no nonsense pricing for a higher volume of loyal and able customers.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Accounts, accounts receivable financing - don't worry, be happy

There is a reason why accounts receivable financing is a four thousand year old financing technique: it works. Accounts receivable financing, factoring, and asset based financing all mean the same thing as related to asset based lending- invoices are sold or pledged to a third party, usually a commercial finance company (sometimes a bank) to accelerate cash flow.

In simple terms, the process follows these steps. A business sells and delivers a product or service to another business. The customer receives an invoice. The business requests funding from the financing entity and a percentage of the invoice (usually 80% to 90%) is transferred to the business by the financing entity. The customer pays the invoice directly to the financing entity. The agreed upon fees are deducted and the remainder is rebated to the business by the financing entity.

How does the customer know to pay the financing entity instead of the business they are receiving goods or services from? The legal term is called "notification". The financing entity informs the customer in writing of the financing agreement and the customer must agree in writing to this arrangement. In general, if the customer refuses to agree in writing to pay the lender instead of the business providing the goods or services, the financing entity will decline to advance funds.

Why? The main security for the financing entity to be repaid is the creditworthiness of the customer paying the invoice. Before funds are advanced to the business there is a second step called "verification". The finance entity verifies with the customer that the goods have been received or the services were performed satisfactorily. There being no dispute, it is reasonable for the financing entity to assume that the invoice will be paid; therefore funds are advanced. This is a general view of how the accounts receivable financing process works.

Non-notification accounts receivable financing is a type of confidential factoring where the customers are not notified of the business' financing arrangement with the financing entity. One typical situation involves a business that sells inexpensive items to thousands of customers; the cost of notification and verification is excessive compared to the risk of nonpayment by an individual customer. It simply may not make economic sense for the financing entity to have several employees contacting hundreds of customers for one financing customer's transactions on a daily basis.

Non-notification factoring may require additional collateral requirements such as real estate; superior credit of the borrowing business may also be required with personal guarantees from the owners. It is more difficult to obtain non-notification factoring than the normal accounts receivable financing with notification and verification provisions.

Some businesses worry that if their customers learn that a commercial financing entity is factoring their receivables it may hurt their relationship with their customer; perhaps they may loose the customer's business. What is this worry, why does it exist and is it justified?

The MSN Encarta Dictionary defines the word worry as:


verb (past and past participle wororied, present participle wororyoing, 3rd person present singular worories)Definition:
1. transitive and intransitive verb be or make anxious: to feel anxious about something unpleasant that may have happened or may happen, or make somebody do this

2. transitive verb annoy somebody: to annoy somebody by making insistent demands or complaints

3. transitive verb try to bite animal: to try to wound or kill an animal by biting it

a dog suspected of worrying sheep

4. transitive verb

Same as worry at

5. intransitive verb proceed despite problems: to proceed persistently despite problems or obstacles

6. transitive verb touch something repeatedly: to touch, move, or interfere with something repeatedly

Stop worrying that button or it'll come off.

noun (plural worories)Definition:
1. anxiousness: a troubled unsettled feeling

2. cause of anxiety: something that causes anxiety or concern

3. period of anxiety: a period spent feeling anxious or concerned..."

The opposite is:

"not to worry used to tell somebody that something is not important and need not be a cause of concern (informal)

Not to worry. We'll do better next time.

no worries U.K. Australia New Zealand used to say that something is no trouble or is not worth mentioning (informal)".

Query: if a business is financing their invoices with accounts receivable financing, is this an indication of financial strength or weakness? Query: from the point of view of the customer, if you are buying goods or services from a business that is factoring their receivables, should you be concerned? Query: is there one answer to these questions that fits all situations?

The answer is it's a paradox. A paradox is a statement, proposition, or situation that seems to be absurd or contradictory, but in fact is or may be true.

Accounts receivable financing is both a sign of weakness with regard to cash flow and a sign of strength with respect to cash flow. It is a weakness because, prior to financing, funds are not available to provide cash flow to pay for materials, salaries, etc. and it is an indication of strength because, subsequent to funding cash is available to facilitate a business' needs for cash to grow. It is a paradox. When properly structured as a financing tool for growth at a reasonable cost, it is a beneficial solution to cash flow shortages.

If your entire business depended on one supplier, and you were notified that your supplier was factoring their receivables, you might have a justifiable concern. If your only supplier went out of business, your business could be severely compromised. But this is also true whether or not the supplier is utilizing accounts receivable financing. It's a paradox. This involves matters of perception, ego and character of the personalities in charge of the business and the supplier.

Every day, every month thousands of customers accept millions of dollars of goods and services in contracts that involve notification, verification and the factoring of receivables. For most customers, "notification" of accounts receivable financing is a non-issue: it is merely a change of the name or addresses of the payee on a check. This is a job for a person in the accounts payable department to make a minor clerical change. It is a mainstream business practice.

Bobby McFerrin wrote and performed a song called "Don't Worry, Be Happy" for the movie "Cocktails" starring Tom Cruise. The song was a number one U.S. pop hit in 1988 and won the Grammy for Best Song of the Year. Here are the lyrics:

"Here is a little song I wrote

You might want to sing it note for note

Don't worry be happy

In every life we have some trouble

When you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head

Somebody came and took your bed

Don't worry, be happy

The land lord say your rent is late

He may have to litigate

Don't worry, be happy

Look at me I am happy

Don't worry, be happy

Here I give you my phone number

When you worry call me

I make you happy

Don't worry, be happy

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style

Ain't got not girl to make you smile

But don't worry be happy

Cause when you worry

Your face will frown

And that will bring everybody down

So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote

I hope you learn it note for note

Like good little children

Don't worry, be happy

Listen to what I say

In your life expect some trouble

But when you worry

You make it double

Don't worry, be happy......

Don't worry don't do it, be happy

Put a smile on your face

Don't bring everybody down like this

Don't worry, it will soon past

Whatever it is

Don't worry, be happy"

The bottom line: "notification" should not be an issue in most situations involving accounts receivable financing; non-notification factoring is another option that is available for businesses concerned with confidentiality that meet minimum credit standards for asset based lending. Bobby McFerrin was right: "Don't Worry, Be Happy".

Copyright © 2007 Gregg Financial Services

Mr. Elberg is a licensed attorney and licensed real estate broker. Gregg Financial Services is a full service brokerage for commercial finance companies and banks that fund B2B businesses. Mr. Elberg arranges funding from $25,000 to $50 million per month at competitive pricing, and works to reduce your financing costs as your company grows. For more information about GFS, please visit our website: http:

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Small business finance - find the right mix of debt and equity

Financing a small business can be very time consuming activities for a business owner. It is the most important part of growing companies, but one must beware not to allow it to consume the business. Finance is the relationship between cash, risk and value. Manage each well and have healthy finance mix for your business.

Develop a business plan and loan package with a well developed strategic plan, which in turn relates to realistic and credible financials. Before you can finance a business, a project, an extension or a takeover, you must develop just what are your finances.

Finance your business from a position of strength. As a company owner needs point your trust in the business, through investment of up to ten percent of your finances from your own funds. The remaining twenty to thirty percent your cash needs which may by private investors or venture capital. Keep in mind expect sweat equity, but it is not a substitute for cash.

Depending on which want the private-equity component another thirty to forty percent participation at your company on average for three to five years review your company and the associated risks. Still maintain this position shares in your company to abandon clear majority ownership, type in the remaining 60 percent of the needs of your finances use.

The remaining financing finance come in the form of long-term debt, working capital, equipment and inventory. By a strong cash position in your company, become a variety of lenders available. It is advisable, an experienced commercial loan broker to do the finances "buy" for you and present to rent you a variety of options. It is important, at this point, that you your structure corresponds not ideally suited to finance, given your business needs and structures instead of trying in a financial instrument for the operation of power.

Companies that have a strong cash position in your set additional debt financing no undue strain on your cash flow. Sixty percent blame is that a healthy. can get debt financing in the form of unsecured finance, such as short-term debt, loan financing and long term debt. Unsecured debt is called finance typically cash flow and credit requires. Debt financing can be in the form of come secured or asset based, finance, which may contain claims, guaranteed inventory, equipment, real estate, personal property, letter of credit and government finance. A tailor-made mix of unsecured and secured debts, especially to financial needs of your company, is the advantage of a strong cash position.

The cash flow statement is an important financial track the impact of certain types of finance. It is important to have a firm grip on your monthly cash flow, together with the control and planning structure a financial budget, to successfully plan and monitor your company's finances.

Your budget is a result and part of the strategic planning process. You must be careful needs goals in your cash with your cash. In the short term capital long term growth and vice versa is a no-no. Matching violating rule high risk level interest rate, re-finance options and the operational independence can bring. Some deviation from this ancient rule is allowed. For example, you must have a long-term for working capital, then a permanent capital need to be justified may. An other good financial strategy has unforeseen expenditure capital, on the one hand for your needs to unlock working capital and maximum flexibility. For example, long-term financing, planning, can with you a credit line get a chance quickly and then you worry for cheaper, better suited, all this in advance a lender.

Unfortunately financing is not generally to a company in crisis is. Plan plan and loan package in advance with an effective business. Not cash flow stress equity financing than debt and creditor confidence, can doing business with your company. Good financial structure reduces the cost of capital and financial risks. Should a business consultant, finance Professional, or credit broker to help you with your financial plan.

Frank Goley works as a management consultant success for ABC business consulting. He has extensive experience in corporate finance and has over twenty years of experience as an expert Business Planner.

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The new rules for buying a House - with financing

The American Dream; what does it mean to you? People have different jobs or hobbies or passions in life, but one constant remains the same among all of us, and this common thread that unites our dreams is that of Home Ownership! Unfortunately, in this current economy, achieving the dream of home ownership is becoming more difficult than any time in recent history. Too many Americans are following the unwritten rule of home ownership that tells us to 'Find a Realtor and Get a Bank Loan'. In past economies, with thriving job markets, lower inflation, and less credit restraint, that 'rule' may have made sense to follow.

But our current economic system is making it difficult for the average person to achieve the American Dream of Home Ownership. In times of unstable job markets, with double digit unemployment forcing people to become self-employed to make a living, the banks are requiring a W-2 stable job history in order to issue loans. In times of a great credit crisis, the banks are requiring stricter credit scores than most people are able to achieve. Fewer and fewer honest, hard working Americans who are used to following the 'traditional rules' for owning a home are having the opportunity to own their own homes.

What if you could achieve the American Dream of Home Ownership without the assistance of a bank?

The purpose of this document is to allow motivated home seekers an opportunity to write a New Rule of Home Ownership that allows you to declare your freedom from the services of a Bank in order to partake in your piece of the American Dream of Home Ownership!

In order to understand the New Rule of Home Ownership, let's take a closer look at the existing rules of purchasing a house with Traditional Bank Financing.

The first part of the Traditional Bank Financing focuses on Qualifying for a Loan. While many different loan packages exist, the most common loan written in today's market is an FHA Loan, and therefore, we shall use their guidelines as an example. The following are guidelines for an FHA Loan:

o FHA Loans require a minimum credit score of 620 to be eligible for a loan

o FHA will require 3.5% down on the home. This down payment MUST come from your account. You are not allowed to borrow from friends, family or anyone else. You must document where the funds for the down payment came from. Specifically, the source of the down payment must be from your personal checking, savings or retirement account and CAN NOT be borrowed!

In order to work with most Realtors, you must first get pre-approved for a bank. Many Realtors won't even show you a house unless you can prove that you are able to afford and receive financing for the property. This painful process of pre-approval from a bank can take 2-3 days and involve the following steps:

o Proof of Creditworthiness

o You must provide 2-4 years worth of tax returns!

o You must provide your last 4 pay check stubs if you are an employee or an updated Profit and Loss statement if you are self-employed, a business owner, an independent contractor or entrepreneur. However, if you cannot show a consistent pay stub as proof of income, then you may want to skip ahead to the part of this document where 'Owner Financing' is discussed, as you will find it increasingly difficult to qualify for a mortgage.

o Your bank may require you pay off other debit to help improve your credit score to qualify for the loan

o And the worst part... this proof of creditworthiness is done throughout the entire home buying process! Even once you qualify and pick out the home of your dreams; underwriters at the bank will have you go through the same process to make sure you still qualify.

Now that you are pre-qualified for the home of your dreams, you may finally begin the process of working with a Realtor to find your new home.

Once you've found your home, the Traditional Banks will want an inspection performed on the home and may require the seller to fix EVERYTHING for the bank to finance your loan. Some people just want a small discount on the house and they will do their own repairs however, many times a traditional bank will not allow you to do this! These small fixes may add to the total price of the house.

Also, expect to pay Realtor fees, bank fees, filling fees, "point buy down" fees, loan origination fees, closing costs, title fees, surveys, appraisal fees, and anything else imaginable for which to be charged. Though many of these fees can be rolled into your loan, over the long term, you may be paying an extra 10% in unnecessary Financing Fees that are loaded into your loan!

What if there was a quicker, easier, and less intrusive way to take your share of the American Dream? What if you could look at homes without having to pay a Realtor fee, pre-qualify for a loan, and go through a 3 month home buying process? After all, we ARE in a BUYER'S market in Real Estate, so why shouldn't we be able to buy?

Consider the possibility of declaring a New Rule. Instead of working with (and paying for) a Realtor, why not work with the Seller directly? Especially if that seller is a Professional Real Estate Investor who is not only willing to sell the house in a quick and simple matter, but is also will to FINANCE the sale of the house on a short-term basis!

Earlier in this eBook, we went over the process of the Tradition Bank Financing. Now, we shall detail the 7 Easy Steps of Purchasing Your Home with Owner Financing:

* Contact the Seller of the Home without having to pre-qualify for a loan and look at the home to decide if you want to purchase.

* Settle on a price

* Agree to a down-payment and interest rate

* Once you've agreed to a price, down payment, and interest rate, complete a Deposit to Hold form and pay this 1% fee applicable to the sales price of the property. This fee will take the property off the market while you are closing on the home.

* Fill out credit application; provide 2 most recent paycheck stubs and bank statements as proof that you can afford the monthly payment.

* (Optional) If you chose, you can order your own home inspection to review the condition of the home

* Close in 2-5 business days

Buying a home from a Professional Real Estate Investor is quick and easy. Once you have settled on the price and monthly payments, you have minimal paperwork to complete and can close on the transaction within one week! The following is a summary of some of the benefits of Owner Financing compared with Traditional Bank Financing:

* In many cases, there is no minimum credit score required

* Instead of 10% Traditional Bank Finance Fees / Closing Costs, your Owner Finance Fee averages to 5% of the transaction.

* Unlike Traditional Bank Financing, your down payment for Owner Financing may come from almost anywhere (as long as it is a legal way to raise the funds). You can borrow the money from family, friends, others. There are also some tax incentives for you to use part of your retirement savings. Either way, with Owner Financing, you are allowed to raise your own down payment as you see fit!

* You and the Owner Finance Seller will agree on a time to "close" on the home and may close within 5 business days!

* Your Owner Finance loan is dependent on your down payment and ability to pay the monthly payment and NOT on your credit or having a W-2 Job. Therefore, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Independent Contractors, and the Self-Employed may qualify for Owner Financed Homes!

* You are not required to provide extensive documentation to obtain your loan

Due to the efficiency, simplicity, and cost effectiveness, you can see why buying directly from an investor with Owner Financing is the New Rule for Buying Homes. Owner Financing interest rates may be a little higher than market price when you initially purchase your home, however, this higher rate, along with a sizeable down payment, will actually help you obtain conventional financing at a lower rate down the road when you decide to refinance!

A good way to look at Owner Financing is that is a solution to buying a home with short-term financing. Once you have paid your Owner Financed note on time for say 12-24 months, it's easier to refinance your existing note with a traditional bank loan at a lower interest. It's much quicker, easier, and less intrusive to refinance a home into traditional financing then it is to purchase a home with traditional financing!

The following example will detail the process and the costs of owner financing:

o John chooses to purchase a beautiful home for $150,000 with a traditional bank loan. John's credit score is 590 and the bank will not loan him any money until his credit score is at least 620. John understands the importance of owning a home and wants to buy something now.

o John finds a home that is being offered for $150,000 with Owner Financing. John has $15,000 to put down and wants to close in 5 business days. John's new loan is at an 8.5% rate for 30 years and the sellers would like John to refinance his loan in 24-36 months. John's monthly payment is $1,350 and it includes Principle, Interest, Insurance, and HOA fees. John is happy because he can afford $1,350 per month and is able to take his part of the American Dream!

o As John pays on time for, say, 24 months, John has an excellent payment history with his current lender. John will also need to be working on his credit in those 24 months to raise his score to the current minimum of 620.

o When John approaches a traditional bank John will be able to demonstrate the following:

o John's $15,000 down payment shows that he has 'skin in the game' and is not just going to bail on his house payments

o John CAN afford and has been paying $1,350 a month at a 8.5% rate for his loan

o John's credit score is now above the minimum required 620

o If John can afford $1,350 a month at 8.5% interest, John can easily afford a $1,100 a month payment at 6.5%!

It is much easier to refinance a loan rather than trying to get a loan for the original financing! Since you are already in the house, there is no inspection required, no lengthily closing procedures and there is no longer all that extra red tape that is associated with buying a home with traditional financing!

As you can see, purchasing with Owner Financing can be easily done and quickly closed for those who cannot use a traditional bank loan but deserve to own a home now.


In today's market, due to tough economic times, there are many people selling their properties. Yet, despite the fact that this is a 'buyer's market', it is tougher to buy a home with Traditional Bank Financing than ever before. Following the old, unwritten rules will lead you to a long and unhappy life in an apartment complex. Motivated home seekers looking for their piece of the American Dream are unable to achieve this great promise by traditional and conventional means due to stringent lending requirements initiated by the very same financial institutions that gladly took over 1 billion of our tax dollars to bail them out! Banks tightening up on their lending practices is causing a shortage of homebuyers in the market. This is one of the biggest reasons that real estate values continue to free fall because there are not enough people who can qualify for available homes while following the unwritten rules.

Inspired home seekers, looking to break away from the old rules and ready to write his or her own New Rules to Home Ownership will be able to take advantage of this buyer's market, and with Owner Financing, you will see more and more people purchasing homes. If you are in the market to buy a home however, you cannot qualify for a traditional loan, I strongly recommend you contact a company that specializes in Owner Finance Homes.

Stop drowning in the current economy and create your own American Dream!

Tom Bukacek is currently one of the managing members and founders of Endurable Property Solutions, a Real Estate Investing Company with properties located in Arizona, Illinois, and Texas. The focus of Endurable Property Solutions is mainly pre-foreclosures, focusing on subject - to transactions, fix n flips, and short sales, with over 100 short sales currently being negotiated nationwide. For a list of properties available in Austin, TX and surrounding areas, please visit

Tom also coaches clients and oversees the marketing and operational functions for The Entrepreneurs-Incubator ([]) (E-I). E-I combines real estate investing, mentoring, all of the marketing disciplines, advertising, creative design, technical and web-based resources, and capital coaching to build a custom-tailored, results-driven solution for its clients.

Tom has his BSBA from the University of Nebraska (Omaha) and his MBA from the University of Phoenix, as well as over two years of training from one of the premier distressed asset training organizations in the country. Tom's first book on real estate investing, tentatively titled "The Millionaire Blueprint" is due out this summer.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Lawsuit Financing Companies

Attorneys, law firms, lawyers, beneficiaries or clients usually form lawsuit-financing companies. Lawsuit financing companies can also provide appeal finance, firm finance, custom finance or estate finance.

Many lawyers and attorneys create lawsuit financing companies based on their experience and the types of cases they encounter the most. Attorneys and lawyers with expertise in personal injury lawsuits or patent lawsuits help by providing cash advances and support in their fields.

Lawsuit financing companies provide many financing options. With a significant monthly fee, a few lawsuit financing companies may help to settle the case faster. Though a large variety of options are available, the plaintiff has to discuss with the attorney which option is best suited to him.

The lawsuit financing company and the plaintiff can make an agreement of the amount of share the lawsuit financers would obtain after the settlement or the verdict is known. This is called "flat fee". Apart from the flat fees, the plaintiff has to pay a minimum fee every month, called "recurring fees", to the lawsuit financing company. This recurring fee can be as low as 2.9% in the case of a few lawsuit financing companies, or could be as high as 15% with other companies.

It is the financing company's decision as to how much to pay as the cash advance. Lawsuit financing companies pay from $1000 to about a million dollars depending on the case.

Every lawsuit financing company would have a team of lawyers to assess the strength of the case. The key is to avoid funding frivolous complaints. Thus the financing companies will scrutinize the complaint and decide the chances of success of the case.

Lawsuit financing companies do not term their cash advances as loans but as investments. The applicant has to repay after the verdict. Usually the monetary settlement that is obtained after the settlement by the court is larger than the company's advance. The lawsuit financing company should be paid the principal and the predetermined share of the monetary verdict.

Many lawsuit financing companies can be approached through the Internet. Companies like, and are available on the Internet. Websites like these are flooded with information and instructions regarding lawsuit financing.

Lawsuit Financing provides detailed information on Commercial Lawsuit Financing, Lawsuit Cash Advances, Lawsuit Financing, Lawsuit Financing Companies and more. Lawsuit Financing is affiliated with Litigation Financing Companies.

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Car finance puts you on the purchase of a car on top gear

Fast car on public roads. It is a perfect image for any car enthusiast. But you have to go to your work and your children to school fall. This is the real picture for most of us. We must save time if we do not have. A typical person has so many odd jobs completed, that a car without a doubt can facilitate their accomplishment. Financing your car suits to buy not your idea of how your car; then, you are probably still stuck with traditional methods for the car. Throw your inhibitions with regards to auto financing, because it keeps your financial caliber without a doubt in mind before you with a car loan finance furnishing accessories.

Car financing has a new spin in connection with investments to buy a car. So, how finance you a car? If this question baffled you, then you can go a long way in the process of buying a car must. The term ' financing ' on the purchase of a car rendering suggests either loan on the car purchase or lease the car for you. Probably, you focus on the earlier meaning. Many people are to talk financing for the benefit of the car from the dealership, because it seems like a convenient way. It seems easy; Choose a car, a completed loan application and continue with your car - all in a day's work. Car financing dealership give car finance, weekends and even at night, when other banks and savings banks are closed.

Seems easy, doesn't it? But there is a catch. The merchant will be charged certainly you more financing for your car. Car buyers are overwhelmed usually around 3% on their finances car. A large number of complaints about financing concern car dealer. 0% APR is not only attractive, but attracts buyers purchase car financing not to meditate, if it is possible for them. There are very few people who can actually get a 0% APR. So car financing typically fall offers middle which finance an extremely stressful experience car. Buy a new car, and probably for the first time, you want to congratulate safely on your enthusiasm. There are some basic things, which must be kept in mind, that decisive primeval step in the car to buy.

Car buying and financing in particular is your credit score before you apply for a car loan. Many people are not aware of the fact that they even a credit score. Appropriate, you can check your credit score online. So, if you have bad credit history you will more interest then probably for your car finance numbers. If your credit score falls below 550, then probably apply for is not such a good idea new car financing. First repair you credit score. To repair credit score, requires little effort, helps repay your debts, and keep your credit report. You can get financing car loan online auto finance companies, even if your credit score is lower than required. Their financing car loan can get approved in minutes. Online car finance companies have car finance process revolutionized. With lowest online auto financing offer prices no registration fees or deposits one auto finance companies huge competition for car dealers. Car finance companies have set standards for car finance, the decision for worth.

70% of cars have been preserved through a type of funding. You can finance even a used car. The process is so easy and undemanding financing such as a new car. To find the essence of the right car finance doing research about your type of car. Knowledge is makes; You must be this ancient logic awake. If enough information is often available, then why not use make it. Find out how much does your car by comparing prices with local merchants. It is very crucial, exactly how much you can afford; Calculate monthly income and subtract your usual monthly payments to find out how much you can afford each month. Calculate carefully, otherwise will be difficult to pay of your car loan financing. And you want to definitely not to fool with your repayment plan, since much is at stake. You can free advice for your own car finance online through credit unions and loan to locate institutions.

You are a car enthusiast, a car consumers, only a person who needs a car, you should drive the best car. And why not the best car drive, if you have access to the best car finance plans. Auto financing is a transparent route, which leads to a car owners. Car financing loans are usually short-term loans from 36 to 72 months. Shorter loan period imply, lower interest rates and will prove to be cheaper. You have worked hard, to the car, choose the desired; It is a pretty good chance that you would have to work not so hard for car finance. So, sit back relax and enjoy the ride.

After he credit gone through the ordeal of borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor, give advice on the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers are available. It hopes that this helps them to find the loan that beseems their expectations. You work for the UK loan Web site [] you will find a secure secured or unsecured loans, that best suits, that your needs visit

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Customer key finance programs to boost sales

Während Studien zeigen, dass Technologie Ausgaben wieder auf dem Vormarsch ist, gibt es einen Grund, dass Sie keinen kollektiven Seufzer der Erleichterung aus der Software-Industrie gehört. Während viele Haushalte für den Kauf von Enterprise-Software, Hardware und Peripheriegeräte wieder zulässt, gibt es keine Frage, dass heutige Käufer intelligenter, klüger und selektiver denn je sind.

Auch wenn der Geldbeutel gelockert haben, ist Wettbewerb auf einem Allzeithoch. Es ist nicht mehr genug, um eine Software-Lösung bereitzustellen, die den potenziellen Kunden Bedürfnissen, oder sogar, um es zum besten Preis zu liefern. Heute suchen intelligente Lieferanten ständig nach Möglichkeiten, um der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus zu bleiben.

Während steigende Umsätze immer Teil einer hart umkämpften Geschäft-Strategie ist, übersehen Software-Entwicklungsunternehmen oft, eine einfache Methode zum Erreichen dieses Ziel - so dass es einfacher für Kunden zu kaufen.

Eine Option, die steigende Beliebtheit unter den Softwareanbietern ist eine angepasste Finanzprogramm zu schaffen, die ohne großen Aufwand Finanzierungslösungen für Ihre potenziellen Kunden bereitstellt. Neben der "One-Stop-shopping", können Ihre Kunden andere Finanzierung profitieren, die sie verpflichten, Technologie-Käufe, einschließlich erleichtern:

100 Prozent Finanzierung--viele Finanzgesellschaften bieten 100-Prozent-Finanzierung für die Kosten für Software und Wartungsverträge, die keine Anzahlung verlangt. Da Kunden nicht zu kommen mit einer Anzahlung, können sie sofort einen Kauf tätigen, anstatt den Verkauf mit eine "abwarten und sehen," Mentalität, die oft begleitet von einen Sprung in Cash-Reserven zu halten. Es erlaubt auch Ihre Kunden mehr Kapital in Einnahmen schaffende Investitionen Aktivitäten.

Verbesserte Cashflow-Management - Software Finanzierung, können Ihre Kunden sparen Kapital für die Reinvestition in ihrem Geschäft und Budgetierung Genauigkeit durch feste monatliche Zahlungen zu verbessern. Finanzierung erleichtert auch für Kunden auf mehrjährige Haushalte durch die Zahlung für Ihre Software über dessen Nutzungsdauer.

Flexible Zahlungsstrukturen - Kunden Projektbudgets optimieren indem Sie nutzen die flexible Zahlungsstrukturen zur Verfügung durch Finanzierung die Rendite für ihre Investitionen zu maximieren. Beispielsweise können mit Software Finanzierung, Kunden Rampe Zahlungen entsprechend der Umsatzgenerierung ein neues Projekt der Technologie, die verwendet die Software finanziert werden.

Finanzierung bietet einen klaren Vorteil für den Käufer, wenn ein Programm gut geplant ist, kann die Liste der Vorteile für Software-Entwickler, Distributoren und Reseller sogar günstiger sein.

Verbesserte Kundenbeziehungen

Wie bereits erwähnt, Mehrwert Finanzierungsmodellen für den Kunden durch die Stärkung ihrer Kaufkraft, bietet größeren Flexibilität und die Bequemlichkeit. Es erhöht auch ihre Zufriedenheit über die Fähigkeit, ihr Budget zu erwerben, die gesamte Technologielösung - darunter z. Software, Hardware, Service, Unterstützung, Integration und Ausbildung - anstatt nur die Teile b. und Stücke, die sie durch eine regelrechte Kauf leisten konnten zu nutzen.

Kürzere Sales Cycles

Auf der Absatzseite scheint jeder Kunde, der Interesse an einem Produkt drückt eine gute Führung. Allerdings gibt es viele Male, wenn die Frage, wie bezahle ich für die neue Software geschieht den Verkauf verhindert. Zeit verloren Sackgasse Angebote können beseitigt werden, wenn Finanzierung Teil des Verkaufs ist, als die Zahlungsfähigkeit sofort in die Gleichung gilt. Darüber hinaus bieten viele Finanzgesellschaften jetzt schnell, einfach Kredit- und Dokumentation Prozesse, so können Sie schnell einen Verkauf abschließen und kostspielige Verarbeitungsverzögerungen vermeiden.

Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass Software Anforderungen im Vertriebsprozess diskutiert werden, der Finanzspezialist mit dem chief financial Officer arbeiten kann oder Wirtschaftsprüfer zu ermitteln, welche Option und Zahlung Finanzierungsplan Geschäftsanforderungen und Cash Flow passt.

Direkte Kunden Finanzierungen können auch Software-Anbieter Millionen von Dollar jedes Jahr durch die Verringerung der Anzahl der Tage, die ein Verkauf hervorragend ist. Sollten Sie ein Unternehmen mit vierteljährlichen Barverkauf von 50 Millionen US-Dollar. Im Durchschnitt kann Zahlung 45 Tage dauern. Vorausgesetzt ein Sollzinssatz von 6 Prozent, die 45-Tage Verzögerung in Zahlung führt zu tragenden Kosten von $371.204. Wenn die gleichen Zahlen mit einem leasing-Finanzierung-Programm, die Zahlung innerhalb von 2 Tagen generiert ausgeführt werden, sinkt die Kosten $82.253, speichern dem Unternehmen mehr als $288.951 in einem Geschäftsviertel.

Das große Bild

Insgesamt können Geräte Finanzierung Programme:

Generieren Sie größere, rentabler Umsätze schneller;

-Konto-Steuerung zu erhöhen;

Verbessern Sie Vertrieb Effizienz und Produktivität;

Tage-Umsatz-hervorragende zu senken;

Verbesserung der Cashflow;

Unterscheiden Sie Ihr Unternehmen von der Konkurrenz; und

Bieten Sie komplette Lösungen für Ihre Kunden.

Machen Sie den nächsten Schritt

Nach dem Identifizieren der Interesse an flexible Finanzierung im Rahmen des Verkaufsprozesses, besteht der nächste Schritt, ein Finanzprogramm zu entwickeln. Durch die Partnerschaft mit einem erfahrenen Leasinggesellschaft ein Finanzprogramm für Ihre Kunden zu entwickeln, können Sie alle die Unsicherheiten der Ausdehnung, Ihren Kunden die Finanzierungsgesellschaft übertragen.

Partnerschaft mit einem erfahrenen Finance-Unternehmen auch bedeutet, dass Sie sich konzentrieren können, auf was Ihr Unternehmen am besten kann - Softwareentwicklung - während der Vermietung einen Finanzen Experten behandeln die Feinheiten des Programms eine Finanzierung. Setzen Sie einfach, arbeiten mit einer dritten Partei, Ihre Gesellschaft erhält alle Vorteile ohne das Risiko.

Egal, ob Sie Ihre Kunden direkt auf Ihre Finanzierungspartner Programm verweisen oder zum Arbeiten mit einem Drittanbieter-Finanzpartner ein Inhouse-Programm zu entwickeln, ist es wichtig, eine erfahrene Ausrüstung Finanzpartner zu wählen. Während des Verkaufsprozesses der Finanz-Experten arbeiten eng mit Ihren Kunden, und es ist wichtig, dass seine Aktionen und Service-Level Ihres Unternehmens Fähigkeit, die Erwartungen Ihrer Kunden widerspiegeln. Bei der Suche nach einem Finanzpartner suchen für ein Unternehmen, dass:

Ist flexibel und bereit zu arbeiten mit Ihre Management-Team, um ein Programm zu entwickeln, die Ihre finanziellen Ziele zu erfüllen;

Ist erfahren in der Finanzwelt IT und Software seit der Vertriebsprozess, Client-Entscheidungskriterien und Umsatzrealisierung, dass unterscheidet sich von Capital-Asset-Verkäufer sich;

Bietet Marketingunterstützung und Materialien, die Sie Ihrem Finanzierungsprogramm fördern helfen

Ist bereit und in der Lage, Ihre sales-Team mit Material und Ausbildung zum sales-Teammitglieder sicher sind bequem und leicht in der Lage, Finanzierung als Option mit ihren Kunden zu erhöhen; und ist ein finanziell stabilen, langfristigen Geschäftspartner.

Unternehmen auf der Suche nach einem leasing Partner finden wählen Sie Leasing (Www.), eine Website entwickelt von der Equipment Leasing Association, wo Sie Antworten auf häufig finden gestellte Fragen zu leasing und suchen einen erfahrenen Leasinggesellschaft Anbieter Finanzen Programme spezialisiert.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quellen und Typen, um erfolgreiche Finanzierung

Geld ist von extremer Bedeutung heute. Fast
alles, was wir tun ist Geld. Das gleiche gilt
will man ins Geschäft Wagen oder ein Haus kaufen
Das ist eines der Grundbedürfnisse zum Überleben. Finanzierung
oder Bereitstellung der Mittel im Geschäft ist ein muss zu machen
wachsen und erzielen des gewünschten erwarteten Gewinns (zusammen
mit dem richtigen planen und verwalten). Häufige Fehler
auf die neuen Unternehmer sind falsche Finanzierung
Quellen, unterschätzt Betrag für Kapital und
unflexiblen Finanzierung Typen. Diese Probleme können jedoch
durch sorgfältige Planung und Analyse von verhindert werden die
verschiedene Faktoren beteiligt, die Gründung eines Unternehmens.

Im Allgemeinen können Geschäftsleute aus den beiden
Arten der Finanzierung, die Schulden und Eigenkapitalfinanzierung.
Eigenkapitalfinanzierung ist die Art von kleinen verwendet oder
Wachstum Bühne Unternehmer. Die Quellen für diese Art
umfasst das Zentrum des Einflusses, der vertraut die
Unternehmer, wie z. B. Freunde, Verwandte, Familie
Mitglieder und andere interessierte investieren ihre
Geld in das Geschäft. Es gibt jedoch auch
Kapitalisten, die bereit sind, das Risiko der Finanzierung
für kleine Unternehmen. Diese Kapitalisten enthalten
Finanzinstitute, autorisierten Behörden
oder wohlhabenden Einzelpersonen in der Gesellschaft. Es gibt auch
Venture Kapitalisten, das Neugeschäft in der Finanzierung der
Industrie Aktien erhalten. Unternehmen, die in
die Industrie von drei bis fünf Jahren werden bevorzugt von
Venture Kapitalisten. Sie haben verschiedene Methoden, um
Verwalten oder befassen sich mit dem Unternehmen, mit denen ihre
Finanzierung oder investierten Geld. Sie können Einfluss auf die
Entscheidungsfindung Strategien des Unternehmens in das Ereignis
die Leistung kommt nicht mit dem erwarteten

Eine andere allgemeine Art der Finanzierung ist Fremdkapital.
Diese Art variierte Quellen, darunter kleine
Business Administration Darlehen, Warenkredite durch
Banken und persönliche Darlehen von Familie, Verwandten und
Freunde. Die Regierung erkennt die Bedeutung des
Unternehmen in der Wirtschaft des Landes und das ist, warum
Sie bieten Programme, die das Wachstum fördern können
kleine Unternehmen haben ihre eigenen Finanzierungen Agenturen
TP helfen, eine Menge von jungen Geschäftsleuten und
Unternehmer. Finanzierung durch Banken ist die
traditionelle Mittel, um ein Geschäft zu finanzieren. Die Banken fungieren als
eine kurzfristige Kreditgeber für die Geschäftsperson, haben die
benötigte Geld, Ausrüstung und Maschinen notwendig kaufen
für das Geschäft zu florieren. Die SBA oder Kleinunternehmen
Verwaltung Darlehen werden im Fall von lokalen verwendet.
Banken. Das Darlehen, das erworben werden kann kann von $5.000 sein.
für $2.000.000.

Aus diesen zwei allgemeinen Arten von Finanzierungen Zweig der
verschiedene Arten der Finanzierung beteiligten – nicht nur in
Geschäft aber in anderen Bereichen auch. Einige davon
sind huckepack Finanzierung, Finanzierung und kreative
Finanzierung. Huckepack Finanzierung wird von Eigenheimen verwendet.
Wer will Hypothekenversicherung zu vermeiden, die erforderlich ist
Wenn die Hypothek ist mehr als 80 Prozent der
Kaufpreis. Huckepack finanziert, die
Kreditnehmer kann zwei Hypotheken Kosten haben, die möglicherweise
variieren. Finanzierung geschieht, wenn der Hersteller oder Verkäufer
die Eigenschaft ist eine Finanzierung der Käufer im
in diesem Fall der Eigentümer fungiert als Bank. Der Käufer wiederum
kann den benötigten Betrag monatlich bezahlen oder was auch immer kann
Abkommens statt der Bank
Finanzierung. Kreative Finanzierung geschieht, wenn das Haus
Käufer hat Träger, können Darlehen dritte
eine Bank oder ein Darlehen-Agentur sein.

David Arnold Livingston ist ein Unternehmer und Unternehmer mit langjähriger Erfahrung der Finanzen. Besuchen Sie: für viele tolle Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und Ideen.

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Financing Your Small Business

If there were only two reasons for a business to fail they would be poor financing and poor management or planning. You can't over-emphasize the importance of financing your business. Financing the business is not a one time activity as some might think. It is necessary whenever the need arises such as when expanding, modernizing etc. At this stage you need to understand the importance of exercising extreme caution and plan the utilization of capital. A wrong decision here can haunt your for the life of your business.

Are You Sure You Want To Raise External Funds?

For start-ups, it's understandable that you need to raise capital through loans. But what about expansions and upgrades? Make sure that external financing is an absolute must before you apply. It is critical that you organize your finances at transitional stages but only after you make sure that you can't do it yourself, either permanently or for some time. Equally important are the criteria of risk, the cost of not financing and how well it contributes to specific and overall goals of the company.


Equity Financing: Equity financing involves selling off of your shares (mostly partially) in return for cash and giving away that portion of ownership and rights to profits. Equity financing can be sought from private investors or venture capitalists. This brings about proper capitalization opening access to debt financing. Equity finance doesn't need to be returned like loans unless your partner wants to withdraw.

Debt Financing: Debt financing is loan financing against some kind of guarantee of repayment. The guarantee can be collateral, a personal guarantee or a promise. Lenders restrict the use of debt finance to inventory, equipment or real estate. You need to properly structure the debt and the rule of thumb for doing so is giving long term debt for fixed asset loans and short term for working capital. The reason is that fixed assets generate cash flow over their lifetimes and have the benefit of lower interest rates as opposed to working capital loans.

Sources of Finance:

You can choose finance sources depending on your circumstances and the amount required.

1. Family and Friends: Small and short-term working capital requirements can be financed quickly through your own resources or through family and friends. The benefit here is the absence of the interest component (mostly.) This method of raising finances is handy even in early stages of business. You should be mindful, though, that disputes over money are the main reason that close relationships turn sour.

2. US Small Business Administration: This is the most prominent source for debt financing. The SBA doesn't lend money directly but organizes and guarantees loans through various lenders and sources under its umbrella. Local governments, banks, private lenders, etc. disburse loans immediately to businesses approved by the SBA. SBA loans are available for various business purposes and at the lowest interest rates available.

3. Venture capital: Raising venture capital is organizing financing through selling shares whose value equals the finance you require. Essentially this means selling a portion of the ownership and control rights. It is essential that a proper valuation of your business's worth is made before the deal is done.

Financing a business shouldn't be hard provided you have established your credentials as a good manager, have collateral/assets, a convincing cash flow statement, genuine need, a proven track record, good credit history and a robust plan. This should not just save your business from collapsing but also allows it to grow and succeed.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions ? Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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