Thursday, December 8, 2011

Customer key finance programs to boost sales

While studies show that technology again is spending on the rise, there is a reason that you have heard a collective sigh of relief from the software industry. While many households are once again allows for the acquisition of enterprise software, hardware and peripherals, there's no question that today's buyers are smarter, wiser and more selective than ever before.

Although the purse have relaxed, competition at an all-time high is. It is no longer enough to provide a software solution requirements corresponding to the potential customer, or even to provide it at the best price. Today smart suppliers looking constantly for opportunities to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Although sales growth see always part of a highly competitive business strategy, often a software development company, a simple method to achieve this goal - so that it easier for customers to buy.

An option increasing popularity among the software vendors is to create a customized financial program that provides no-hassle financing solutions for your potential customers. In addition to "One-Stop shopping", your customers can benefit other financing, it easier for them to commit that technology purchases, including make:

wholly-owned financing-many finance companies offer 100% financing for the costs of software and maintenance contracts, no deposit required. Since customers not to come up with a down payment, can you immediately a purchase make, rather than keep the sale with a "wait and see" mentality that often accompanies a leap in cash reserves. It allows your customers invest more capital in income-generating activities.

Improved cash flow management - software financing, your customers can get to improve capital for reinvestment in their business and budgeting accuracy through fixed monthly payments. Funding makes it easy for customers on multi-annual budgets by paying for your software over its useful life.

Flexible payment structures - can optimize customer of budgets by taking advantage of to maximize the return on their investments the flexible payment structures to available funding. For example, can with software funding, customers ramp is payment according to the sales generated of a new technology project, financed by using the software.

Financing offers a clear advantage for the buyer, if a program is well planned, the list of the benefits for developers, distributors and resellers can be useful.

Improved customer relationships

As mentioned earlier, added value offers more flexibility to financing models for the customer through the strengthening of their purchasing power and offers comfort. It increases their satisfaction with the ability to purchase their budget, the entire technology solution - including such software, hardware, service, support, integration and training - instead of only the parts b. and to use pieces that could afford an outright purchase.

Shorter sales cycles

Seems every customer on the sales side, the interest in a product is a good start. However, there are many times when the question of how pay I happens for the new software prevents the sale. Time lost impasse offers can be eliminated if financing is part of the sale, as the ability to pay immediately in the equation. In addition many finance companies offer a quick credit and documentation now, easy processes, so you can quickly complete a sale and avoid costly processing delays.

Another advantage is that software requirements in the sales process will be discussed, the finance specialist with the chief financial officer can work or accountant to determine which option and payment fits financing plan best business requirements and cash flow.

Customers can direct financing also software manufacturer save millions of dollars every year by reducing the number of days pending a sale. Consider a company with quarterly cash sales of $ 50 million. On average, it may take 45 days to collect payment. Assuming a borrowing rate of 6 percent, leading 45-day delay in payment costs borne by $371.204. If the same set of numbers with a leasing financing program, the payment 2 days generated, deletes the cost $82.253, save the company more than $288.951 in a business district.

The big picture

Total devices can financing programs:

Generate greater and more profitable sales faster;

Increase account control;

Improve sales efficiency and productivity;

Days sale excellent reduction;

Improvement of cash flow;

Distinguish your company from the competition; and

Provide complete solutions for your customers.

Take the next step

After you identify the interested in flexible funding within the framework of the sales process is the next step is to develop a financial program. By partnering with an experienced leasing company for your customers develop a financial program, you can all the finance company transfer the uncertainties of the dimension — your customers.

A partnership with an experienced finance company also means that you can focus, - software development - a well-known experts leave what can your company best while deal with the intricacies of a financial program. Simply put, working with a third party, your company will receive all the benefits with none of the risk.

Regardless of whether you financing partner your customers refer directly to your program or to work with a third-party financial partners, to develop an in-house program, it is important to choose an experienced equipment finance partner. While the sales process the finance expert work closely with your customers, and it is important that his actions and level of service your company reflect ability, the expectations of your customers. Search in the search for a financial partner for a company that:

Is flexible and willing to work with your management team to develop a program that will meet your financial goals.

Has experience in the Finance IT and software since the sales process, client decision making criteria and revenue recognition, that differs from capital asset seller;

Marketing support and materials, you need to promote your finance program help

Is willing and able, your sales team with materials and training to the sales team members sure are convenient and easily able to with their customers to increase financing as an option; and is a financially stable, long-term business partner.

Businesses looking for a leasing partner find select leasing (www.), a website developed by the equipment leasing Association, where you will find answers to frequently asked questions about leasing and seek an experienced leasing companies finance specializing in vendor programs.

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